When I grow up.
Adults are talking about the future ocupation of the small boy.
The boy is saying: |"When I grow up I want to be a soldier"
Mother; "You can be anything you want, even a fareman, but not a soldier!"
After thinking a little the boy very seriuosly tell to everybody"When I grow up, I want to be an old man"
This is his drawing.
Wall painting
I am thinking about ideas for the wall painting in Benjamin's school. Not sure that this one would be aceptable for the administration.. but I bet kids would like it!
Links collection
I lost whole banch of links in Googlereader
Stupid bug…
This is actually good. I will collect everything from scratch from here
The best:
Finger Puppets with the app
This is an adoptation of the book by artist Keri Smith.
I am especially interested in the part, where they playing with the fingerprints.
Would be great to do the same for my book Finger Puppet Theater.
Imaginary friend
found here
The future is a blob
Interesting how it would be explained today…